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 Sections: Email
Topic: General
How do I set up email in Netscape Communicator
Step 1 - Setup Preferences

  • Start Netscape Communicator.
  • Once the program appears, go to the "Edit" menu and choose "Preferences".
  • Double click "Mail and Groups" and select "Identity".
  • Fill in the "Your name:" and "Email address:" fields.
  • Then Click into "Mail Server." Fill in:
  • Outgoing mail [SMTP] server: mail.oldwiz.net
  • Outgoing mail server user name: [your user name]
  • Incoming mail server: pop.oldwiz.net
  • To save your password: Click on "Edit"
  • Click in the box beside "Remember password"
  • Click "OK"
  • Now click "OK" again
Step 2 - Opening Messenger Mailbox

  • Go to Communicator option across the top and select "Messenger Mailbox."
  • You are now ready to begin sending and receiving mail.
  • Press the "Get Msg" button to check for new Messages.
  • Press the "New Msg" button to send a message.