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 Sections: Internet
  Topic: Dialup Networking
  Computer you are dialing is not answering
    There are a number of issues that could cause this error to happen. Here is a quick check list.

1. Make sure that the modem is installed properly. Are the right drivers installed for this modem?
What kind of modem is it? HSP and other software modems are suspect to this.
Click Here for more modem Info 56k= v.Unreliable - Modem Information, Troubleshooting and Updates
2. Check that the WINS Resolution is disabled in the Network Control Panel.
3. Check port speeds
4. Make sure your computer is dialing the right access number
5. Phone line noise could also cause this error to happen. Plug in a phone
and listen to the dialtone, while you have dialtone press a couple numbers and listen again.
Any bit of noise could result with the above error. If there is noise it is a Telco issue.