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Topic: Dialup Networking
What is Oldwiz.net’s Recommended Connection Settings ?

Double click on My Computer, then Dialup Networking.

Right click on oldwiz.net, then left click on Properties.

Under the oldwiz.net properties, click on Server Types tab at the top. Make sure there is a check mark in the following boxes:

Under Advanced Options: There should be no checks in any of the boxes.

Under Allowed Network Protocols: Only TCP/IP needs to be checked.

Now Click on TCP/IP Settings button, and make sure there is a dot in front of Server Assigned IP Address, and in Server Assigned Name Server Addresses. Type in the following DNS information:

At the bottom you will see Use IP Header Compression, and Use Default Gateway on Remote Network, make sure there is a check mark in both boxes.

Click OK.

Click the General tab at the top of the page.

Click OK. Click OK again then close the Dialup Networking window.

Under My Computer click on Control Panel.

In Control Panel click on the Network icon.

Make sure that you have your Windows CD available, you may be prompted for it.

If this is a stand alone PC only three items need to be listed…MS Family Logon or Client for MS Networks, Dial up Adaptor, and TCP/IP.

Double click on the TCP/IP component.

Win98 users will be presented with an information screen; click OK.

On this first screen make sure that Obtain an IP address automatically is active.

Click the WINS Resolution tab at the top of the page. Make sure that it is disabled.

Click on the DNS Configuration tab. Make sure that it is disabled.

Click OK.

Click OK again.

If changes where made, files may need to be copied from your Windows CD.

When prompted, Restart your computer